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Canine Splenic Hemangiosarcoma

Canine Splenic Hemangiosarcoma

Canine Splenic Hemangiosarcoma By Beth Overley-Adamson | DVM, DACVIM (Oncology) Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a highly aggressive tumor that arises from the cells that make up the blood vessels. These cells undergo a genomic alteration from normal to malignant that allows…

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Winter Pet Safety – From Antifreeze to Icy Walks

Winter Pet Safety - From Antifreeze to Icy Walks By Shara Bankhead, BS, CVT, Director of Human Resources, Metropolitan Veterinary Associates While the holiday winter wonderland season has passed, winter is truly here this month, and with these colder temperatures…

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February is National Veterinary Dental Month

February is National Veterinary Dental month.  Championing the importance service dogs hold in our community, our oral surgeon Dr. Corinne Durand inspired us to offer free dental exams to certified service animals the entire month of February! If you have…

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Proteinuria in Canine Patients

Proteinuria in Canine Patients By Dr. Tabitha A. Hutton DVM, MTR, DACVIM (SAIM) | Internal Medicine We increasingly recognize the phenomenon of pathologic proteinuria in our canine patients. The finding may be incidental, identified on routine lab work in an…

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Winter Holiday Pet Safety

Winter Holiday Pet Safety By Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT, Education and Development Coordinator, Metropolitan Veterinary Associates Tis the season for holiday joy and celebration - from dinners and parties, to gifts and sparkling decorations. We urge you to consider the…

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Thyroid Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Thyroid Cancer in Dogs and Cats By Kendra Hearon | VMD, DACVS-SA, ACVS Fellow, Surgical Oncology What is the thyroid gland? The right and left thyroid glands are located near the trachea. There are several important structures near the thyroid…

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Thankful, not ThankFULL

Thankful, not ThankFULL Thanksgiving is here! And while this is absolutely the time of year to be grateful for all that we have and passing on that gratitude to our furry family members, there are a few things we DON’T…

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Arthroscopy in Canine Orthopedic Disease

Rebecca Wolf, VMD, CACVS-SA Veterinary arthroscopic surgery is gaining popularity, as clients increasingly are seeking minimally invasive procedures for their pets. Many of the disease processes most commonly addressed with arthroscopy carry a high level of morbidity when approached as…

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