Veterinary Technician Interview – Kim Guest, CVT
Work Questions
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I knew I always wanted to work with animals when I was younger! My family and I would go visit my grandparents on their farm and I just thought it was the coolest thing to go to the barn and feed the cows and sheep.
- How long have you been a VT? 12 years
- What makes MVA a great place to work/ what’s your favorite thing about MVA? I love working at MVA because everyone really loves their job and are so compassionate about helping animals. My favorite part about working at MVA is the doc I work with. Dr. Roland makes everyday fun and I am constantly learning something new everyday from her.
- What is your next professional development goal? VTS? Give a lecture? Learn a new skill? I am constantly reading journals and literature on cardiology! I would love to give a lecture!
- Do you have any pets? one dog, Nola, that my husband and I adopted 4 years ago. A white and tabby kitty named Tessie that I adopted when I was in tech school 12 years ago. A grey tabby cat that we adopted 7 years ago. (the devil himself!!!)
Personal/Fun Questions
- What is your favorite word? Forward
- What is your least favorite word? Moist
- What sound or noise do you love? Ocean waves crashing on the beach
- What sound or noise do you hate? Nails on a chalkboard
- What is your favorite smell? Fresh brewed coffee
- What is your favorite thing about Autumn? Sweaters!!!
- Do you have any unusual talents or special skills? I played piano for 9 years!
- What do you wish you had invented? The selfie stick…..that guy’s a genius
- What three things do you always carry with you? Car keys, phone and sunglasses
- What is your weirdest phobia? I don’t know about it being weird but I’m deathly afraid of heights
- What is your guilty pleasure? Reality TV
- What is your favorite phrase or expression? It is what it is
- If you were a dog or cat, what breed would you be? I would be a Labrador retriever!!