Paws of Promise: Our Foundation to Support Pets and Their Owners
By Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT | Development and Education Coordinator
Have you taken a moment and looked into the eyes of your furry companion? The unconditional love and promise of devotion reflecting outward is what so many of us gain our comfort from. Here at Metropolitan Veterinary Associates, we know how much our pets’ promise means to us and in turn, created a promise of our own to support those furry family members in their times of ultimate need.
We established “Paws of Promise” as a 501(c)3 Foundation in partnership with the Veterinary Care Foundation to help owners with financial needs keep their promise to their pets. We provide grants on an as-needed basis and these are utilized SOLELY for animals in critical and/or life-threatening situations.
An owner’s and their pet’s eligibility for participation in the Paws of Promise program depends on the following criteria:
- Pet – emergent situation; life or death (FBO, GDV) that with surgery and/or treatment the pet will recover
- Owner – has to apply for Care Credit/Scratch Pay and if declined, will be deemed eligible
One of our experienced client service representatives, veterinary nurses or doctors will be able to talk a pet parent through the process in further detail upon the time of arrival at MVA, and ensure things proceed smoothly during the course of the conversation to determine what treatment is required.
Should you or anyone you know be interested in donating to this program, please know that any and all donations are tax deductible, and these contributions can be relayed in any of the following methods:
- You can visit https://VeterinaryCareFoundation.com
- Select MVA from drop-down menu
- Or mail a check payable to Veterinary Care Foundation
- Veterinary Care Foundation
16550 NW 46th Street
Morriston, FL 32668
- Veterinary Care Foundation
- Make sure to include Paws of Promise Reference #PA00685
- We can always accept cash/check donation via drop-off or mail-in:
- Paws of Promise
c/o Metropolitan Veterinary Associates
2626 Van Buren Ave.
Norristown, PA 19403
- Paws of Promise
We also host multiple fundraisers to support Paws of Promise such as Dine-n-Donate events, our 5k race(s), Happy Hour events at local eateries, and other fundraising efforts throughout the community.
Having the capability to help our furry community members receive the care they need is something we’re so happy we can provide. Below are some pictures of our most recent superstars, along with their incredible stories.

- Nahla, a 6-year-old Pitbull, presented to MVA’s emergency for evaluation of lethargy and poor appetite.
- An ultrasound of Nahla’s belly showed large fluid filled uterine horns which is a condition known as Pyometra. If left untreated, pyometra can be fatal.
- She was taken immediately to surgery where the infected uterus was removed.
- She was discharged the following day and recovered completely at home.

- Beulah is a 3-year-old Boxer that presented to MVA’s emergency service for sudden increase in vomiting over a couple day period and a decreased appetite.
- X-rays were taken and an area suspicious for an obstruction was seen in her abdomen.
- She was transferred to our surgery department for exploratory surgery where a large firm rubber object (possibly the sole of a shoe) was removed.
- She was discharged from the hospital and sent home a couple days after her surgery, and has since made a full recovery!

- Sasha is a 2-year-old Siamese cat that presented for vomiting as well as progressive lethargy and inappetence.
- An abdominal ultrasound (AUS) revealed that she had a linear foreign body – obstructing her intestines – and she was taken to emergency surgery for its removal.
- During surgery they removed what looked like part of a hair tie.
- Sasha recovered well in hospital, and was discharged the day after surgery.
- She has since made a full recovery!
Amidst the current uncertainty that is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re seeing more pet owners unfortunately being out of work, and having the subsequent loss of funding and/or credit. As this opens up the eligibility to a wider pool of candidates, we are in turn able to help more animals get the emergent care and/or surgery they need.
Please know we are always here for any and all of your furry family members regardless of what financial status their families are in, or whatever the pet’s urgent or emergent need may be, and are just a phone call away – 24/7/365.