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Encephalitis/Meningitis Encephalitis is inflammation of the substance of the brain. Meningitis (inflammation of the substance of the spinal cord) is often part of the same set of clinical signs and symptoms. Signs of Encephalitis/Meningitis Variable presentations are known for encephalitis…

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Frequently Asked Emergency Question 7

My dog vomited once; do I need to come to the emergency room? As a general rule, it is always safest to have you pet evaluated by a veterinarian when he experiences any vomiting. However, if your dog is otherwise…

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Frequently Asked Emergency Question 6

My dog had a seizure, what should I do? Dogs and cats can have seizures for numerous reasons ranging from epilepsy to low blood sugar to cancer. If you pet has a seizure for the first time and it is…

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Mr. Biscuit’s recovery at Metropolitan

Mr. Biscuit's recovery at Metropolitan Our doctors and nurses are working around the clock to care for The Grannie Project's Mr. Biscuit.  He was found in the engine of a Good Samaritan's car after he drove to work.  To hear…

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Max’s Road to Recovery – Fox 29 News Story

Max's Road to Recovery Metropolitan's Dr. Timothy Schwab, nurse Randi, and Home at Last Dog Rescue's Chrissie, along with little Max were on Fox 29 news.  Max suffered major injury to his head an neck as a suspected bait dog. …

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Our Cardiologist Dr. Roland and C.H.O.P.’s BUDDY WALK

Our Cardiologist Dr. Roland and C.H.O.P.'s BUDDY WALK Our Cardiologist Dr. Risa Roland will be participating in Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's annual BUDDY WALK October 5, 2014.   Location: Villanova University Stadium More than 3,300 parents, grandparents and children from across…

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Frequently Asked Emergency Question 5

My cat is squinting one eye, what should I do? Pets can squint for many reasons ranging from a corneal ulcer to glaucoma. If your cat or dog is suddenly squinting one or both eyes the best thing you can…

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Trigeminal Neuritis

By Dr. Jerry Northington Trigeminal Neuritis Trigeminal neuritis is a poorly understood, probably inflammatory or autoimmune disease affecting some branches of the trigeminal nerve (Cranial Nerve V). Animals are presented with inability to close the jaw and difficulty taking food…

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