Veterinary Technician Interview – Anna Dougherty
Work Questions
- As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I thought I would be a teacher, I would play pretend class with my younger sister and all our stuffed animals. That or a gate builder. I used to love Lassie and I would build fake ‘gates’ all over our house that everyone (human and animal) would have to navigate over.
- How long have you been a VT? –
Not long! I’ve been a full-fledged nurse for about 4 months after finishing my Vet Tech school program at Harcum College, and worked as an assistant nurse for about a year before that.
- What makes MVA a great place to work/ what’s your favorite thing about MVA?
Everyone is such a team player here, and everyone cares so much about their patients and their co-workers. I’m so proud and lucky to be employed here because of my extraordinary co-nurses, supervisors, and doctors. Everyone comes to work ready to work, and has fun while they do it. Our job is also so meaningful that it leaves me so fulfilled at the end of the shift, so much more than any other job I’ve ever had before (restaurants/retail).
- What is your next professional development goal? VTS? Give a lecture? Learn a new skill?
Passing the VTNE in December!
- Do you have any pets?
One Mr Kitty Oliver (a male, long haired orange cat), and a Miss Doobie (a perfect female pibble).
Personal/Fun Questions
- What is your favorite word?
- What is your least favorite word?
- What sound or noise do you love?
The uncorking of a wine bottle after a long day.
- What sound or noise do you hate?
- What is your favorite smell?
Chocolate chip cookies finishing baking in the over
- What is your favorite thing about Autumn?
Scarves, boots, and not having to paint your toenails!
- Do you have any unusual talents or special skills?
I am an exceptionally terrible dancer
- What do you wish you had invented?
The one machine washer/dryer. If only it would fold the clothes too…
- What three things do you always carry with you?
At work? Chap-stick, pen/sharpie, stethoscope w/tape roll attached
- What is your weirdest phobia?
I HATE dry things being scratched/rubbed together.
- What is your guilty pleasure?
Picking scabs, popping things, cleaning ears.
- What is your favorite phrase or expression?
Work smarter not harder.
- If you were a dog or cat, what breed would you be?
Could I choose to be a horse? I think I’d make an excellent horse. Specifically an OTTB trail horse.