Neonatal Hypoglycemia
Neonatal Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia results when the circulating blood glucose drops below the specified limits of normal, also referred to as low blood sugar. This can be a common occurrence in very young puppies and kittens. Toy breed puppies (Yorkies, Toy…
Pancreatitis in Dogs
Pancreatitis in Dogs Pancreatitis is a condition where the pancreas becomes inflamed. This is a common problem in dogs. Pancreatitis occurs in dogs most commonly when they ingest food high in fat content (roast beef, bacon grease, butter, etc), but…
Obstipation in Cats
Obstipation in Cats Obstipation is severe or complete constipation; the inability to pass a bowel movement. Obstipation and constipation occur most commonly in cats. Causes of constipation can be obesity, lack of fiber or water in the diet, or medical…
Pet Poison: Chemicals in your Household That Are Harmful to Your Furry Friends
Pet Poison: Chemicals in your Household That Are Harmful to Your Furry Friends The thought of your pet eating something poisonous to them can be terrifying. In situations like that it’s better to act quickly than to wait. The first…
Pet Surgery: 6 Ways to Care for an Animal After an Operation
Pet Surgery: 6 Ways to Care for an Animal After an Operation By: Laura Haselbarth, CVT, VTS Taking good care of your pet after surgery is essential for your furry loved one’s recovery. Without the right attention they may experience…
Synovetin OA®
Synovetin OA® Dr. Rebecca Wolf, VMD, DACVS-SA | Surgery Metropolitan Veterinary Associates is excited to offer a new treatment for canine arthritis starting in May 2022. This procedure will be performed by MVA Surgeon Rebecca Wolf, VMD, DACVS-SA. Synovetin OA®…
Dog Emergency: How to Avoid Bad Situations During the Holidays
Dog Emergency: How to Avoid Bad Situations During the Holidays By: Jennifer McGough, VMD / Emergency Doctor/Emergency Director