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June 2020 National Pet Preparedness Month

By Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT | Development and Education Coordinator

If there’s one thing that the recent events surrounding the pandemic have taught us is that being prepared is a crucial and often overlooked concept. From the lack of toilet paper to shortages in batteries, multiple medication backorders and no critical care supplies, the list goes on and on and on. As focused as we’ve been on the essentials for us humans – and this is as it should be – let us not forget that it’s equally important to not lose sight of our furry family members and their needs.

Many of our canine and feline companions are also on long-term medications and/or prescription diets. Some need additional support in the forms of enrichment and/or behavioral interventions, and they are just as susceptible to the feelings of depression and anxiety during times like these. Having an adequate supply of their food and medications, supportive care provided and/or providers in place, and ways to alleviate and address their stressors are just a few of the ways we need to provide our best friends with the care they need and deserve.

Some other suggestions and thoughts to keep in mind are to ensure your pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations, have necessary ID tags/licenses, and are microchipped. With the summer months and the subsequent loud events that come along – read fireworks & thunderstorms – at this time of year, can bring the potential for spooked pets and escapees.

Another thing to be aware of is when other disaster-type events take place such as weather-related incidents, emergencies and/or accidents is to have a 1st Aid/Emergency Kit solely designated for the furry members of your family. A list of items to include which is not exclusive, is provided below.

1st Aid/Emergency Kit

  • All necessary phone numbers:
    • Family & Friends
    • Veterinarian
    • Veterinary ER – MVA
  • Copies of Veterinary Records
    • Necessary Rx’s
  • Bandage Material:
    • Roll Gauze
    • 4×4 Gauze squares
    • Cast Padding
    • Vet Wrap
  • Clean cloth strips, clean towels
  • Sterile saline
  • Thermometer
  • Syringe or dropper
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Extra Leash
    • Carrier
  • Blanket
  • Bottled Water

We cannot know all of the impending events that are headed our way, but having check-lists can be extremely helpful, and we hope that this will help you too. We here at MVA know how much you love your fur babies, and while we’re here for them and you 24/7/365, we also want to make sure that they stay safe & that you’re prepared to ensure they remain so.

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