On May 7, 2016, my cat Skyler was transferred from Harleysville Veterinary Hospital to Metropolitan because of breathing difficulties. I was immediately checked in and a nurse came out to speak with me immediately as well. She took Skyler in the examining area for a consultation and exam by Dr. Gaunt. Within 20 minutes, Dr. Gaunt appeared and called me back to meet with him. He was extremely kind and caring and Skyler was showing of signs of either asthma or pneumonia and a fever. His recommendation was putting him in the oxygen area and using an inhaler. He also suggested that since his lung x-ray didn’t clearly show pneumonia, he would still treat him with an antibiotic to cover this possibility, but he was going to consult with Dr. Buckman, who would take over the case the following day because Dr. Gaunt was off. When I called later in the day, Dr. Gaunt was very clean in giving me the medical information I requested in terms I could understand. The following day was called by Dr. Buckman who explained that what he and Dr. Gaunt believed was Skyler’s problem (asthma) was different from what the radiologist thought, so would consult that same day with the internal medicine doctor, Dr. Groman, and ask him to take over the case. Dr. Buckman met with me personally and explained that most likely more studies would have to be done to find a valid conclusion. When I called in twice later to find out how Skyler was, I was connected to nurses who took a lot of time with me to tell me how Skyler was doing. Dr. Groman took over the case on Sunday night and his nurse called me Monday morning to ask if I could come in to see Dr. Groman to discuss Skyler. He wanted me to spend time with Skyler first to observe his behavior and them meet with him. I can’t tell you how much his bedside manner made me feel so much more calm and hopeful. He lay the whole prognosis out there and explained the variables in the most compassionate way I have ever experienced. It is obvious that he is extremely bright, very highly motivated and organized to a fault! And he is a people person. We decided to order further tests and he was back in touch with me two more times that day. He also called my regular vet to explain the treatment to him. Skyler really began to improve Monday and Tuesday and was discharged Tuesday. Dr. Groman came out to the lobby when I arrived to speak at length with me regarding discharge instructions and future options. Skyler is now home, eating, drinking, purring loudly and his brother and sister are overjoyed! This has been the very best veterinary emergency experience I’ve ever had and I can’t praise the entire staff for going above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you so much.