I brought my dog, Schultz (7 year old German Shepherd), to Metro on Thursday morning. Metro is about 2 hours away from my home, and I was referred there from another emergency clinic.
Schultz was VERY ill, where I did not know if I would see him again when I left the clinic. I truly did not know if I would see him alive again. I can tell you that I have nothing but wonderful things to say about the clinic. I have never had a human doctor keep me as informed as Dr. Kuczinski has. I never felt pressure to make a decision, she provided treatment options, explained to me how sick he was, and kept me informed of his condition every step of the way. There’s a chance that his sickness may continue for a while, but I know that if he continues to need help, I will trust Metro to take care of any major medical issues. Whether he recovers 100% or not, I know he has a chance to recover due to the life-saving steps that they took because they really care about our kids. Schultz saw Dr. Kuczinski, Dr. Niles (performed surgery on his infection), and Dr. Chamberlain. Wonderful people.