Our dog, Rosie, a 9 pound ten year old Yorkshire terrier, was severely bitten by a neighbors out of control dog on Tuesday night August 5th. We were extremely fortunate to have been referred to your facility for treatment. With the skilled care that night of Dr. Buckman, he successfully repaired multiple puncture wounds and a punctured lung. It was a close call if she would even make it, but after two intense days, she came home. She received excellent care while in your hands, including an excellent discharge nurse. Some unforeseen complications (infections from the bite wound), beyond your control, resulted in two more surgeries by Dr. Schwab. He was very informative, patient and optimistic about the various issues that we ended up dealing with to watch our dog recover for another five weeks. As Dr. Schwab promised we now have our dog fully recovered and back to normal. There were many visits to Metropolitan during the six week period, and the service could not have been better; not just the doctors, but also the nurses and front office staff.
While this whole ordeal was trying on both Rosie and us, the care that she received was exceptional and permitted us to have our dog back again in full, which at times seemed uncertain.