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Lena has been my constant companion for the past 16 years. I  never thought that I could become attached to a cat but after meeting  Lena and her big brother Leonard I was hooked. Lena is a sweetheart so that day in February when I discovered a small growth on her left front leg I was concerned. At first the growth didn’t seem to change but by the end of February it had more than doubled in size. I made an appointment with Lena’s vet to have her looked at. Lena’s vet immediately referred me to MVA.  Since I was already familiar with MVA I felt very confident that Lena would receive excellent care with the best possible results. I made an appointment with Dr. Hearon. After Lena’s initial consultation Dr. Hearon  explained to me that Lena had a large fast growing sarcoma that needed to be removed. Dr. Hearon was very through in her explanation of how the procedure would be performed, possible consequences as well as Lena’s recovery. Lena is a small cat. She weighs ten and a half pounds so her little legs are just that, little and with the size of the growth on her leg there were some concerns. Lena had the sarcoma removed on March 26th and stayed with MVA until March 30th at which time I was able to bring her home. Throughout the month of April Lena and I made visits twice a week to MVA for bandage changes. Each time we were met by a very friendly and courteous staff of professionals. On May 1st Lena’s bandage came off and that was the first time that I actually saw Lena’s leg after the surgery. From that point on I emailed Dr. Hearon photos of Lean’s leg weekly. Each time I received a prompted reply and words of encouragement. On June 26th, two months after the surgery Lena and I made another visit to see Dr. Hearon. After a thorough examination and a chest x ray Lena received the best possible news that I could have hoped for. Lena has made a complete recovery and is once again claiming her  rightful spot among her canine companions. She is the only cat with three large dogs to keep inline. I can’t say enough about the doctors and staff at MVA. These people are all truly professionals and I will always entrust my best friends to their care.