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This past Christmas holiday season we were pet sitting our 12-year-old grand dog Cheech for our daughter and her family while they were off on a vacation with their kids.  After a couple of days, the dog started to get sick with some sort of mystery illness that had us all stumped.  As time went on her condition only worsened.  She wasn’t able to keep down water or food at all for three days and so she was becoming dehydrated and lethargic and was losing weight as well.  Our primary care vet recommended that we take her to Metro-Vet and have the doctors there take a look at her.

From the moment we entered the reception area we were made to feel welcome.  Everyone was completely focused on our little dog and did their best to process her along.  Dr. Kuczynski came in and examined the dog and ordered a series of tests as well as IV fluids so that Cheech could get some nourishment and get rehydrated as well.  Based on her examination of our sick puppy and after looking at the paperwork, test results, and x rays sent over by our first vet, she formulated a course of treatment.  The plan was laid out in clear terms that we could understand.  More x rays and an endoscopy were ordered, and we were told that we would be called and brought up to date when the results came in.  Dr. Kuczynski even went so far as to call my daughter and her family to keep them reassured and apprised of the situation.  It was necessary for the dog to stay in the hospital for a couple of days so that she could be started properly on her medications and regain some strength.  While she was there, I could call the hospital anytime day or night to see how she was doing.  The phone was always answered right away, and we were put into contact with one of the nurses or the vet on duty at the time to get an update.

Cheech came home with us on Friday December 21st and was a champ about taking her medication.  As the days went by, she began to improve dramatically.  She could keep down both food and water and so she began to put weight back on as well.  I took her back on January 4th for a final exam, and a couple more x rays, and a final assessment of how the dog was doing and what needed to be done from here on out.

I took her back home the next day to be with her family and she is doing well.  Even now, my daughter or son in law can give the hospital a call and talk to the Dr. if they have any further questions or concerns.

We would be more than happy to recommend Metropolitan – Veterinary Associates to anyone whose pet needed serious veterinary care.

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