Memorial Day weekend is a great opportunity to spend time with family, outdoors, enjoying the unofficial start of summer. But it is important to keep your pets safety in mind at all times. Below are a few tips to help you and your family get through the weekend safely while having fun!
Safety Check
Play it safe with food – don’t feed table scraps as some may be toxic to your pets. And keep alcoholic beverages away!
Swimming can be a fun past time, but not all pets are good swimmers. Keep an eye on them and no gulping chemically cleaned pool water.
After the holiday do a sweep to remove dangers such as glow sticks and firecracker debris.
Protect your pet from sun and pests such as fleas, ticks and heartworm carrying mosquitoes using pet-safe products only. Some products designed for our use could be dangerous to our pets. Make sure there is plenty of shade for your pet if celebrating outdoors. And always have a full water bowl available.
How Hot is the Pavement?

Signs of Dehydration

Did You Know?
Hot pavement can burn your dog’s paw pads. Check sidewalk temps with your hand or foot. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for them!
Ensure your dog has ample access to water and take walks in early morning or at night to avoid dehydration.
Safe Indoor Space
Fireworks can be scary (and dangerous) for some — keep your pet indoors and safe if fireworks are being used. Make sure gates and doors are kept closed at all times. Many pets go missing during holiday weekends because they are either anxious from all the activity or they are given an opportunity to wander during the chaos.
Fireworks can be scary (and dangerous) for some — keep your pet indoors and safe if fireworks are being used. Make sure gates and doors are kept closed at all times. Many pets go missing during holiday weekends because they are either anxious from all the activity or they are given an opportunity to wander during the chaos.
Have a Happy and Safe Memorial Holiday!