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Osteoarthritis in Pets: What You Need to Know

Osteoarthritis in Pets: What You Need to Know Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) affects many pets — it is the number one cause of chronic pain in dogs and cats. What are symptoms of Osteoarthritis in pets? Your pet may have…

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Everything You Need to Know About “Kennel Cough” Pneumonia

Everything You Need to Know About "Kennel Cough" Pneumonia Kennel cough is a highly infectious respiratory condition which occurs in dogs mostly after they share airspace and contaminated surfaces with kennel cough infectious secretions. Symptoms and severity can vary greatly…

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Addison's Disease

Addison’s Disease in Dogs

Addison's Disease In Dogs Addison's disease, also known as hypoadrenocorticism, occurs when a dog’s adrenal glands produce fewer than necessary hormones in the body. As hormones control many crucial functions in the body, this imbalance leads to a variety of…

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Cat Behavior

Cat Behavior Problems: Advice from a Behavior Expert

Cat Behavior Problems: Advice from a Behavior Expert By Dr. Hagar Hauser, DVM| Behavior Cats display a wide range of emotions which sometimes can be hard for humans to fully understand. This is particularly true when cats display aggressive or…

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Heat Stroke In Pets

How to Avoid Heat Stroke in Pets

How to Avoid Heat Stroke in Pets Just like us, our pets are affected by high temperatures and on extremely hot days animals can experience heat stroke. This is when animals overheat and their cooling mechanisms no longer function properly.…

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