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AAHA Accredited Hospital Day

Tomorrow is AAHA-Accredited hospital day.  Every year, July 22 serves as the day AAHA designated to educate pet owners about what accreditation means for their pets and to thank accredited hospitals for holding themselves to a higher standard.

Not all animal hospitals are accredited. Nearly 60% of pet owners think their pet’s veterinary hospital is accredited when it is not. In fact, only about 3,700 (12-15%) animal hospitals in the United States and Canada are accredited.

What does accreditation mean? It means your hospital holds itself to a higher standard, and that your pet is receiving care at a hospital that has passed the highest standards in veterinary care.   AAHA guidelines are professional recommendations that help veterinary teams continue to deliver quality veterinary care. As the only organization that accredits veterinary hospitals in the US and Canada, AAHA sets the standard for quality veterinary care for companion animals.

Click to read more about AAHA guidelines

Click to read more about AAHA standards