Our Internal Medicine Specialists
A small animal internal medicine specialist can provide health care for your pet when you and your pet’s regular veterinarian decide it would be advantageous to seek more aggressive diagnostic tests, therapeutic interventions, and/or a second opinion. Our internists, have advanced knowledge of internal diseases including those involving the stomach and intestine, kidneys, bladder, endocrine system (including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, Cushing’s disease, and Addison’s disease), liver, respiratory conditions, diseases of the heart and lungs, and cancer treatment in dogs and cats.
Due to their advanced training beyond veterinary school they are also skilled in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that include endoscopic procedures of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, nasal cavity and urinary tract. Additionally, ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, contrast radiographic studies, ultrasound guided biopsies, bone marrow aspirates and biopsies are regularly performed. It is the appropriate interpretation of these results that allows implementation of a solid treatment plan for your pet.
Your initial ninety minute appointment with an internist will include a detailed review of your pet’s history, a thorough physical examination, and a discussion of recommended diagnostic and treatment plans for your pet. Most diagnostics not requiring general anesthesia can be performed the same day as your appointment as well as any treatment that may be required. We strive to work with you, your pet, and family doctor to provide the best possible care and help to provide answers needed to make informed decisions.
Meet Our Internal Medicine Specialists
Hear from some of our internal medicine team as they speak about the specialty.